5 Books for Breaking out of The Matrix
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Sundays are for readers.
We’ll be highlighting a book or a collection of books we think will help you strive forward in life.
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Let’s go!
Life is about choices.
Well, it was.
Nowadays, you’re either a mark or a tyrant.
You can’t be mad at either, really.
I’ve lived as a mark.
Vulnerable. Begging for approval.
Eventually, I broke.
I’ve been trying out the tyrant hat.
Feels better. More fear-driven. Authoritarian.
More Malcolm than Barack.
But you don’t really live among people.
People live among you.
Some don’t like it.
But that’s tough shit.
At the end of the day, both are targets.
For different reasons.
It’s the red or the blue pill from the Matrix.
This newsletter has tried to get ya’ll to take the red.
I won’t sugarcoat it.
If you don’t put authority over your domain, the government, your girl, family, and friends will.
So here’s 5 books in our collection you should be reading.
Stop the games.
Start winning.
Here’s our list of books for escaping the Matrix. Enjoy
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