Introducing the Bulletproof Way to Read 12 Books a Year
📚 You're on the list for the newest way to build your reading habit
Over the past year and a half, we’ve been working to be a resource for black men interested in reading.
From audio summaries to newsletter posts on books we’ve seen success from.
These are good supplements, but we’ve been missing some solid food.
Here’s the facts:
15 percent of eighth-grade Black boys in the U.S. are proficient in reading.
In urban areas like Chicago and Detroit, that number is even lower.
And as we grow up, the gap only widens.
What We’re Doing To Tackle This
One of my favorite books is Smartcuts.
It’s about how you can take smart shortcuts in life to win.
I want to take a “smartcut” and read together with audiobooks.
Audiobooks are easy to listen to, which makes reading more habitual.
We want to start an audiobook club.
Where you’ll get our collection’s most-loved books sent directly to your audible library every month.
What members can expect to receive:
Exclusive access to live conversations (Substack and/or Clubhouse) about the books we’re listening to.
Additional & early newsletter posts on the book we’re reading
Our chosen audiobook of the month we gift you
It only starts with a few spots open.
Does that sound interesting?
If it does, join our waitlist below.
We’re Giving our First 10 Sign Ups an Audiobook for Free.