Before we get started, an announcement: Starting on March 1 — so, two weeks from today — I’ll start publishing subscriber-only content and will hopefully turn this newsletter into a successful little business. Sign up now for a free month.
Hackers control more than you think
Our newsletter isn’t being hacked, but there’s always has been “Hackers” in life. But they are out there in more ways than one. We all need to learn to “Hack” and we have more power than we think.
Book of The Week - The Hacking of the American Mind
This week’s book of the week is a book in our collection, The Hacking of the American Mind.
In the United States, mass consumption is a normal thing.
But do we really need to continue it in current Culture? I don’t think so.
We need moderation from tech and the world.
The world has advertising, manipulation of government by corporations.
From the amount of sugar we eat to the powerful drugs and all their side-effects.
It wasn’t a total conspiracy by everyone, but it’s set most people up against a wall.
The Internet to me is the one place we can openly exchange the most hyper-success related to the topic as possible.
We strive and overcome though. Check out my audio notes on them:
Get the full book here.
Get a free chapter of the New York Times bestselling book Atomic Habits
How mattress startup tuft needle said no to vc money and borrowed 500k and opened its first store.
Overview of What Would Occur if the United States Returned to a Draft
That’s all I’ve got today, see you next Sunday.
Jordan ✌🏽
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